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Empowering Growth: A Year of Progress at the Bristow Center

Member Testimonial Empowering Growth: A Year of Progress at the Bristow Center

Well, I've been coming to the center, bringing my son for services for the past year, and Bari and Morgan have been incredible. I feel like I'm also getting services because I get to talk about a lot of things that I don't understand. I think that over the year, I think that my communication with my son has improved. And just hearing the different groups that they have about self-regulation, impulse control, how to carry a conversation with someone in social settings and stuff has made me more understanding and more empathetic to what his own process is. And also to be a little kinder with myself. So they've taught me that. I've also made friendships with some of the other mothers and you don't feel so alone. He has definitely grown a lot in this last year. He's definitely using the skills that he's learning. He's been learning how to understand his brain and how his feelings are and his behaviors and the connection between the three, which is really nice. And I don't think that that's something that I could have taught him. You definitely didn't learn this at school. It was something that was recommended by someone that truly cares about him. There was his case manager at his school at Byron and I haven't gone to other ones, but what he's been getting here would make me not want to seek out other places. I would continue with this with this service.

Embarking on a journey with a specialized support center can be transformative. For one family, their year-long engagement with the Bristow Center has not only facilitated significant growth for Christian, a young boy with autism, but has also profoundly impacted his mother. This final installment of our series delves into their transformative experiences.

Christian's mother starts by expressing her gratitude towards the staff at the center, "Bari and Morgan have been incredible." It's not just Christian who has received support; his mother feels she has benefited greatly as well. The center has become a place for her to explore and understand more about her son's challenges, enhancing her communication with him and increasing her empathy.

Improved Communication and Understanding

Over the past year, the communication between mother and son has significantly improved. Exposure to various groups focusing on self-regulation, impulse control, and social conversations has equipped her with a deeper understanding of Christian's processes. "It has made me more understanding and more empathetic to what his own process is," she notes, highlighting the educational aspect of their journey.

The mother also touches on personal growth, mentioning how the center has taught her to be kinder to herself. This self-compassion is crucial for parents navigating the challenges of raising a child with special needs. Moreover, forming connections with other mothers has created a support network, alleviating feelings of isolation, "You don't feel so alone," she adds.

Christian has made substantial strides in his development over the year. He is actively using the skills learned at the center, gaining a better understanding of his thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and how they interconnect. "He's definitely using the skills that he's learning," his mother proudly states, affirming the practical benefits of the program.

Reflecting on a year of engagement with the Bristow Center, it's clear that the support provided has been invaluable. The mother concludes, "I don't think that that's something that I could have taught him... What he's been getting here would make me not want to seek out other places." This sentiment underscores the unique and effective approach of the Bristow Center, making it a pivotal part of their lives.

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If you're struggling with this or other behavioral issues and need more personalized advice, don't hesitate to contact us for a consultation.

At Bristow Center, we're here to support you and your child through every step of their social development.

Talk to Bari Bristow