832 Route 15, Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849

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A Mentor's Reflections: The Lasting Impact of Our Programs at the Bristow Center

Mentor Testimonial

Jess, how long have you been teaching here, would you say? Since the first day it opened. So have you seen significant changes in the kids that you worked with? Oh, yes, definitely. A lot of the different strategies they come back with, they learn one class and then they come back the next class and they talk about it. They tell us about experiences they had using them at home. So yeah, they definitely take away a lot after they leave here. What is it like after you teach a class? What? What do you do then? So then I usually give the parents update about what we discussed in class, you know, kind of how their kids participated. And then if parents, you know, are asking some questions, we usually give some advice on things they can do at home with them at the end of the day. Would you say that a lot of kids would benefit from this? Oh, definitely, yes, because they're life lessons that you can use. You might not need it now, but you could use them in the future when if you're 5, but you might need it when you're 10 or you know you're 8 and you might need it when you're 15 or something. So it's definitely valuable lessons that you can take away here to use it at any point.

At the Bristow Center, our mentors play a crucial role in not only teaching but also shaping the lives of our children. Jess, a dedicated mentor who has been with us since the center opened, shares her experiences and the profound impact our programs have on the children we serve. Jess has witnessed first-hand the significant changes in the children she teaches. "A lot of the different strategies they come back with, they learn one class and then they come back the next class and they talk about it," she explains. This feedback loop is essential as it not only reinforces the lessons learned but also allows children to apply these strategies in real-life situations at home. After each class, Jess takes the time to update parents about the day's discussions and how their children participated. This ongoing communication is crucial as it helps parents understand what their children are learning and how they can continue the education at home. "If parents are asking some questions, we usually give some advice on things they can do at home with them at the end of the day," Jess adds, emphasizing the collaborative effort between the center and the families.

Life Lessons for the Future

Jess firmly believes in the lasting value of the lessons taught at the Bristow Center. The skills and strategies taught are not just for immediate problems but are life lessons that the children can carry into the future. "You might not need it now, but you could use them in the future when you're 5, but you might need it when you're 10 or you're 8 and you might need it when you're 15 or something," she notes. This forward-thinking approach ensures that the children are equipped for various challenges as they grow.

The work done at the Bristow Center goes beyond day-to-day teaching; it involves preparing children for future challenges and helping them develop skills that will serve them throughout their lives. Jess's testimony underscores the deep impact of our educational philosophy and the tangible benefits it brings to our children and their families.

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If you're struggling with this or other behavioral issues and need more personalized advice, don't hesitate to contact us for a consultation.

At Bristow Center, we're here to support you and your child through every step of their social development.

Talk to Bari Bristow